Monday, April 23, 2012

viva hijabi

Salam its Hoda here, so this is my first blog post. I really dont know what I am doing but its worth a try. A little about why I wanted to start this blog. I have recently seen alot of changes happening, even with myself.  Days, weeks,months and years pass by and I noticed something that I sadly didnt do anything about it. Our muslim community was slowly fading away. We are all stuck in our little bubbles not noticing the changes we go through and before you know it you are moving further away from God and start questioning your faith. This happened to me. 
The hijab started to be nothing more but a fashion accessory. I realized I forgot the purpose of the hijab. The modesty we are suppose to carry with it. The hijab isnt just a material to cover your hair, no it is so much more than that. Its a reminder for yourself to keep your actions, words and all together personality free from vanity. The hijab is an Islamic icon, a symbol for those who arent muslim that this woman wearing the hijab is a woman of faith. 
So with this revelation I decided to make a blog to help me and any other girls who face this problem, that there is always hope to fellow Islam the right way. I decided to name the blog vivahijabi ,which means forever a hijabi to remind be that the struggles we face shouldnt makes us give up, it should encourage us to keep going on, and keep my faith strong. So I am going to try my best to bring all that to this blog. Allah (SWT) is all forgiving and to Him will shall return.  

In this life, YOLO (You only live once) so lets make it count. lol