Sunday, August 26, 2012

Princess Hijabi

I was always a big Disney princess fan. There's something about watching those movies that until this day make me feel like I could still be a princess. Lol. I suppose that's the child inside me waiting to escape out. I feel that great creative comes from that child inside us. Well with all that said, I was feeling childish and decided to create outfits inspired by Disney princesses. 

Sleeping Beauty Inspired.

Cinderella Inspired.

Ariel Inspired


I wasn't much of a skirt-kinda-girl.  Reason being, it was always hard to find long skirts that cover my ankles (a problem I also have with pants) and when I do wear skirts or dresses a I always manage to trip. llol. Ah...confession of a tall clumsy girl. That will soon change. I found these amazing beautiful long chiffon skirts, and when I wear them I must admit I do feel like a princess. So I wanted every girl to experience that and made these beautiful long 35inch to 39inch chiffon skirts available on my blog! Click here -> Chiffon Skirts